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05/09/2024 admin

INTERREG PL-LT Forest Tree Beekeeping – A Tradition without Borders LTPL00145 – Bees in Trees

Forest Tree Beekeeping – A Tradition without Borders
LTPL00145 – Bees in Trees

The aim of the project is to conserve and promote the tradition of forest tree beekeeping as an intangible cultural heritage, while also fostering conditions for the advancement of sustainable tourism in Yotvingian Land along the Lithuanian-Polish border. The primary guardians and champions of the forest tree beekeeping tradition are Bractwo Bartne in Poland and the Administration of Dzukija National Park and Cepkeliai Strict Nature Reserve in Lithuania. These two organizations will combine their efforts, human resources, and financial assets to preserve the living tree beekeeping tradition in Yotvingian Land and to promote this unique cultural and natural heritage for both tourism and community purposes. With the assistance of ERDF funding, the project aims to expand the Museum of Tree Beekeeping Culture in Augustow and enhance its exhibits, establish the Beekeeper Homestead in Musteika village, advance understanding of the tree beekeeping tradition, strengthen the capacities of partners, tree beekeepers, and local communities, popularize the tradition among target audiences, visitors, culture enthusiasts, and nature lovers, create conditions for sustainable tourism, and promote the heritage of Yotvingian land nationally and internationally. It is anticipated that through the development of a cross-border tourism route, improved tourism services, and promotional events, the project will contribute to heightened visibility and acknowledgment of the cross-border region. Furthermore, the project will serve as a catalyst for community engagement and enhanced opportunities for local development.

The project duration is 24 months, 01/03/2024 – 28/02/2026.
The total budget of the project is 797 222 EUR
The EU part is 637 778 EUR

The project is implemented by

Administration of Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai Strict Nature Reserve, Lithuania,,

acting as a lead partner, and

Bractwo Bartne, Poland,,

acting as project partner.

This information was prepared using financial support from the European Union. The content of this information is the responsibility of the Bractwo Bartne. Under no
circumstances can it be considered to reflect the opinion of the European Union.

More information about the Interreg VI-A Lithuania-Poland 2021-2027 Cross-border Cooperation Programme can be found on the website and on the
EU website

