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12/06/2023 admin

Invitaition for Kleczba 2023 – Augustów, Poland 9.09.2023

We would like to announce data of this Year tree-beekeeping festival – Kleczba. Event would take place as every year in Augustów, Poland at place called Camp Zatoka . At this location workshop, evening concert and fire camp would take place and quest game would start and Finnish. Event is dedicated both for kid’s, families and adults and each of You would find interesting time there!

We as organisations do not help with accommodation. You can book Your night at Camp Zatoka, using Camping or they accommodation or rent something in nearby hotels.  If You are willing to came to our festival this Year Please fill out this short formula.


Plan for the day: 11:00 – start of the Quest game. Distance 6-8 km through forest with 5 task’s on the way.

14:00 – first workshop

16:00 – second workshop

18:00 – mead making workshop (with tasting of mead made on last Kleczba 2022)

20:00 – evening concert and fire


Evning concert at Kleczba 2022. Fot. Barctwo Bartne


Mead Making workshop Kleczba 2021. Fot. Bractwo Bartne


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